A full-scale gas deflagration test in a 710-m-long tunnel
In my previous work, two 1:1-scale experiments were carried out in a 710-m long tunnel with cross-sectional dimensions of 3.2 m × 2.6 m, which is the largest gas explosion test tunnel in Asia Pacific region and the second largest in the world. For more information, please refer to Di Chen, et al., (2024). A full-scale experimental investigation of natural gas explosion in a 710-m long utility tunnel with multiple pipelines, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.

Concrete blast wall against H2-air detonation
This work is based on an innovative numerical approach that integrates CESE compressible CFD solver, chemistry reaction model, and structural FEM solver within LS-DYNA to predict structural response subjected to hydrogen detonation loads. For more information, please refer to Chen, D., Wu, C., & Li, J. (2023). Assessment of Modeling Methods for Predicting Load Resulting From Hydrogen-air Detonation. Process Safety and Environmental Protection.

Large-scale H2-air detonation modeling
A new numerical approach has been developed to model the large-scale structural response resulting from H2-CH4-air detonation loading in an accurate and fast manner by avoiding the time-consuming solving of chemical reaction.
For more information, please refer to Chen, D., et al., A generic approach for modelling hydrogen-methane-air detonation in hydrocode. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024. 465: p. 142840.

Ultra-high performance concrete structure against internation hydrogen explosions
Currently, I am doing experimental and numerical work about the protective performance of normal/ultra-high performance concrete structures against H2 blast loading.

Damage behavior of reinforced concrete room against internal H2-air explosion